
Why do I always have issues with my home computer. About 2 weeks ago, my video card started overheating. That was before I turned on...

Hot Enough

today it is about 80 and a little muggy. This morning we've been finishing cleaning out the basement for the builders that start on Monday....

busy weekend

Not many post lately since I've moved most of the techie stuff to benway.net But we did have a great weekend. Friday we watched Finding...

Cisco uptime

Our Cisco 4006 Switch has been up for 876 Days!! We where just reviewing our IOS versions and noticed that the switch had been up...

Lack of Post

Sorry for the lack of post lately. Not much going on in the blog world. Plus I've started posting the Techie stuff over at benway.net....

Spring Fever

Happy Easter, it's about 45 today, the sun is out. I'm ready for spring. We started our spring cleaning today. Melissa cleaned out her flower...