Shrink PowerPoint files
Need to reduce the size of your PowerPoint file that contain a large number of pictures. Give this a try Compress pictures in your presentation...
Top 5 Business apps For Your iPhone
Businesspersons need to be in contact with their clients and colleagues all the time. They need to stay updated with the work progress and other...
Outlook Gets Social with LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace
Image via Wikipedia We are testing Office 2010 at work. I should have it by the end of next week along with windows 7. I?m...
links for 2009-06-16
ThinApp Microsoft Office 2007 - How-to Virtualize Microsoft Office 2007 - Thinapp, Office, Thinreg, Word, Outlook (tags: thinstall) Virtualization Consultant: ThinApp Part I - Introduction...
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 products comparison download – Windows SharePoint Services – Microsoft Office Online
At work we've discussed moving to sharepoint for our intranet and some of our internal applications. Here's a nice document that help explains all the...
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-22
4 enjoyable days off! # watching 'the office' on # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-18
working tonight. Patching servers, upgrading vmware, a fun Saturday night # got ubuntu 7.10 working. stupid linux :-) # Lions down 10-0, as soon as...
Twitter Updates for 2007-08-07
my plan to post about each days events in Shanghai has been delayed by the need for sleep and time out of the office! #...
The 15 Best Places to Waste Time on the Web
It's first thing in the morning and you're at the office. You're sipping your coffee and sifting through e-mail, but you're not quite ready to...
Thecus N5200 3.5TB NAS Appliance Reviewed
I was going to order two buffalo tech 2TB pro units on Monday. but these devices look VERY interesting. I like the Nsync feature to...