links for 2008-07-25
Free NCAA Football 09 Rosters Downloads for Xbox 360 PS3 PS2 and Other Consoles (tags: xbox360 xboxlive football)
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-12
A weekend alone and I have to work :-( But some great football one this weekend! # not a good start for Green Bay #...
The NFL is trying To “Enrich Themselves” By removing Free Broadcasts
Says Comcast. The moment of truth may be coming in the NFL Network/Cable showdown. This Thursday the NFL Network scored what is arguably the most...
Lot of updates
I finally updated this site to WP 2.3 last night. I also had to update a bunch of plug-ins. Let me know if you have...
Football weekend
What a weekend for football and the biggest game (colts VS pats) hasn't even been played yet. Michigan makes a come back in the 4th...
The lion sleeps tonight
The lions showed their true form today, losing to the redskins 34-3. I'd be surprised if the lions win 2 more this season. [tags]football[/tags]
Twitter Updates for 2007-09-09
just got back from camping. Now its football time!!! # @alexkingorg Which game are you watching? # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-09-03
Pro Football starts next week, I can't wait for next Sunday! # Trying to find the service what will update twitter when I post to...
Twitter Updates for 2007-08-27
watching the lions preseason game on moxi-dvr. The colts are picking the lions apart. # Anyone interested in joining a fantasy football league, post a...
Fantasy Football
Well its that time of year again, to start sending the emails about getting a fantasy football league together. I've always done the free leagues...