links for 2009-05-28
WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin | OMNINOGGIN (tags: plugin seo wordpress) Autodesk Project Dragonfly (tags: floorplan home) Partitioning your ESX host - part II ?...
links for 2009-05-07
ZYB Keeps you in sync with your friends (tags: Backup mobile sync) OCR Terminal: Free Online OCR - Convert PDF to word, jpeg to word,...
XenApp-Desktop or VMware View
Image via Wikipedia We are digging into the whole VDI options because of some specialty apps one of our business are deploying. We are also...
Virtual Center 2.5 Its Time
I'm ready to start planning my upgrade to virtual center 2.5. I'm looking through old post on this site and searching other vmware blogs to...
Active Directory Health Checks
We plan on having an outside company come in and do a AD/Exchange health check before we work on our domain migration project. This article...
Customization fails after VC 2.5 Upgrade
I'm going to upgrade my Virtual Center next week, this is a really good tip to keep handy. A few people have notice that since...
Microsoft Launches SharePoint Planning Services
We been talking about sharepoint since late last year. Looks like Microsoft now throws in free help with deployment if you get SA....Interesting... Microsoft SharePoint...
Potential Problem with ESX 3.0.x and VirtualCenter 2.5
We are still running ESX 3.0.x and VC 2.0.x. I thought about upgrading vcenter first and then just upgrading the servers has time permits. But...
Free utility: MC-WOL
Very nice, this tool will be a great addition for our Altiris admin. Now we just have to make sure WOL is enabled in the...
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-06
BenwayNet: Links for 2007-11-05 []: CrashPlan – Automatic Offsite Backup W.. # Powered by Twitter Tools.