Twitter Updates for 2008-07-04
Can anyone recommend a good site for camcorder reviews. # Xbox Live: benwaynet is currently Online. Playing BF: Bad Company Demo. Playing Singleplayer: Welcome To...
Twitter Updates for 2008-05-19
i have worse jetlag coming to vegas than i did going to china # Day one of #emcworld , breakfast and rainfinity hands on #...
Twitter Updates for 2008-05-18
Spending saturday night updating servers, before I have to leave at 7:30am for my flight # waiting in the GR airport for my flight, im...
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-23
finally heading home after a long week # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-19
Grandpa's not doing good, I think I'll be heading to bay city tomorrow # looks like I figured out my website issue. # Looks like...
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-17
updating servers tonight, watch us at # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-16
arggg. one of my wordpress sites is screwed up again. All pages other than the main home page gives a 500 Error. # just...
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-15
stupid salesgenie ads # LOST was so/so tonight. They need to throw me a bone on some answers # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-13
about to efile my taxes # stayed up too late playing xbox, very tired # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-02-12
AD replication, fun # Powered by Twitter Tools.