Bookmarks for April 23rd through May 6th
These are my links for April 23rd through May 6th: VMware vSphere 4.1 Configuration Maximums flashcards | Quizlet - Flashcards: VMware vSphere 4.1 Configuration Maximums...
Bookmarks for April 7th through April 16th
These are my links for April 7th through April 16th: CloudBerry Lab - Online Backup powered by Amazon S3. Free for non-profit and education -...
Bookmarks for January 7th through January 19th
These are my links for January 7th through January 19th: EMC’s New VNX Unified Storage Systems « - Today, EMC announced the new VNX and...
Bookmarks for January 3rd through January 7th
These are my links for January 3rd through January 7th: CTX121360 - How to Configure XenApp Services with Secure Gateway for use with Citrix Receiver...
Bookmarks for December 10th through December 30th
These are my links for December 10th through December 30th: Storage virtualization benefits and products - Includes a list of some storage virtualization products VMAX...
Bookmarks for October 27th through December 9th
These are my links for October 27th through December 9th: the storage anarchist: 1.052: over-hyping wide striping - What’s worse is that 3PAR, like XIV,...
With EMC you can get away with speeding
CHiP's Erik Estrada clocks this CIO doing 78 in a 65 You can also check out the EMC golf outing EMC Pro-AM GOLF...
Bookmarks for May 20th through May 21st
These are my links for May 20th through May 21st: Five Key Steps to Managing SharePoint Users - Managing user permissions in SharePoint can be...
VDI – vmare vs citrix
We ended up going with a small vmware view deployment because we already had ESX and got a better deal on view. But the project...
3rd party twitter groups
Image via CrunchBase Have you heard about twibes yet? I just saw tweets about it today. I joined a few to see what?s the deal....