Weekly link list
I’m starting a weekly link list of my technology bookmarks for each week. Take a look and let me know if you enjoy the links or find them useful.
Modernizing Your Infrastructure with Hybrid Cloud – Step-by-Step
A 16 part series on hybrid Azure.
Citrix Receiver 4.x deployment script | Virtual eXperience
This is an updated version of my Citrix Receiver deployment script. It is the closest way to make the new CitrixReceiver work similar as the old PNAgent.
It?s also important to note that deploying Office 365 ProPlus using shared computer activation does not count against a user?s five total installations of Office 365 ProPlus or Office for Mac
tags:office o365 terminalservices sn
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
More Stories
A Christmas week link list
It's been busy around here, I've been collecting links to read later. I thought I would share a few with...
Friday Tech links
Welcome to 2016 here are some links I've used throughout this week, I hope you find them useful. PowerShell script...
Tech Link List
I'm back with another tech link list for your weekend reading. Let me know what you think of these list...
Weekly Link List
Its been awhile since I've put together my link list. So for the next few weeks, its going to be...
Weekend tech tidbits
Its quite a list this week. I hope you find some good information in these. Do More with Office 365...
Weekend reading
Here's a quick list of weekend reading to keep your tech up this weekend. Enjoy Citrix Profile Management ? User...