links for 2009-06-22
Comment Faster with EasyComment | LostInTechnology (tags: comment firefox)
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-26
messing with apps on facebook # @mikemac29 The site looks fine in the latest version of firefox # its been snowing all day, I'll have...
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-06
Testing TwitterFox. # The Christmas tree is packed away # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-17
running firefox on ubuntu. Testing twitbin # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Argg, Why are my sidebars on the bottom?
I'm sure it's something to do with one of my post and some odd html tag or something. But its a pain in the butt,...
Can’t Take The Heat
?The democrats already are avoiding the issues. So Edwards, Obama, and Clinton have all bowed out of the Fox News debate. If they can't even...
So mad!
I've just been surfing and working on the site and just happen to look what was on TV. Not sure why but it was on...
More Free Nintendo Ringtones! (MP3s)
This collection includes: Donkey Kong, Metroid, Sonic, Smash Bros., Starfox, Super Mario, Tetris, Zelda, and more. Over 2GB to choose more | digg story
Get Super DragAndGo to work with FireFox 1.5
You need to save .xpi locally, open it up with (win)Rar, extract install.rdf and edit it with notepad or another text editor. Change the correct...
I hate CBS Football
I've been watching the Colts game on CBS. They are winning about about 20 points, but I still want to see the end of the...