EZ Execute Freeware GUI For PsExec
?I love PsExec, now with this gui it’s even easier!
Tim Beacham’s EZ-Execute is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool that allows you to use the SysInternals PsTool PsExec utility to run or execute applications and perform tasks such as installing the SMS client software on a remote machine or to install hotfixes remotely.
The beauty of this tool like the Microsoft Robocopy GUI is that for lazy admins like myself there is no need to search for the syntax needed to perform certain tasks from within a script or from the command line because it is all automated for us. This is defiantly one of the must have tools every admin should have in their arsenal.
Download EZ-Execute
Source: EZ Execute Freeware GUI For PsExec
Originally published on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 18:55:00 GMT by dhite
Technorati tags: psexec
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