Twitter Updates for 2007-12-24
Chistmas Eve day, Melissa's working and I'm sick. But Grace is having fun playing. So all's well :-) # Hoping to stay offline for a...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-23
spider pig..spider pig...going to watch the simpons movie tonight! # why is kongregate SO slow? # Christmas fun, I'm at work, the SSL cert on...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-21
The morning is going by quickly, I'm ready for lunch # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-19
long morning, PRI issues,vbs script fun, and more # GPOs in mutliple AD domains in the same forest are fun # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-16
Starting the monthly maintance window work. Upgrades abound # P2V an old NT server isn't working :-( # @chrisbrogan I just started using so...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-15
I'm getting sick, right now its a stuffy nose and drainage into my throat, ick! I hate being sick # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-14
Friday morning Woot,woot # deleting voicemails from the last year, opps # kid rock's coming to GR. Rock on! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-13
very frustrated today # it seems like its been a really long day # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-11
Christmas part one, done (one family down) # crappy weather today, sitting in meetings all day # its only 10am and i'm so hungry #...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-09
The lions keep finging ways to lose # Powered by Twitter Tools.