Publish your links in your blog

So you got tired of us talking about and you went ahead and created an account, and now you want to share your bookmarks with the world via your blog, what do you do? We’ll show you how in this quick tip.

  1. Go to and create an account, if you haven’t already done so, and add some bookmarks.
  2. You will notice a little XML button on your bookmarks page. The button will point to a link which looks something like Copy this link.
  3. Head on over to RSS Digest and paste this link into the text field, then click on Create the Code. Choose whatever options you may deem necessary, but choose Javascript as your format.
  4. Now, RSS Digest will give you some lines of code. Copy these lines into the source code of your blog (usually the sidebar is the best place to keep them) and save it. Reload your page, and you will now see your bookmarks! Enjoy.


[Via TipMonkies]

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