Wasting Time

A good flash game can help you waste a friday at work. Well Checkout these little time killers. Yetisports has created 3 adicting games. The...

Snow Again!!

WTF! After about a week of above 40 degree weather and almost all of the snow gone. It snows all day today. I'm so ready...

MS FrontPage

Looks like they didn't use FrontPage to create this banner ad. Look at this Microsoft skyscraper ad for FrontPage 2003: Notice anything? No? Hint: zoom...

Freakin Holland Morons

Only in Michigan and in Dutch Holland of all places http://hollandsentinel.com/stories/013104/loc_013104003.shtml It's a bit gag-inducing, but a self-proclaimed geek somehow convinced his wife (against her...

All the SuperBowl Ads

Just for those of you that may have missed them, here a listing and links to all the superbowl ads of 2004 http://www.ifilm.com/?sctn=collections&pg=superbowl2004