How to Become an IBM Partner?
In the past, business was carried out mostly in the form of a client seller relationship. The relationship ended when the product was sold or till the time it was maintained by the seller. But now with the modern concepts of business, it has all changed, the two parties involved in the business are considered to be partners, the relationship has extended beyond the buyer seller part. It has developed into a form of partnership in such a way that both of them will be able to gain from it.
This has increased the coordination and accountability between the two parties involved in the relationship. Almost every big company has resorted to this technique and IBM the techno giant too has followed this path. It has brought out various partnership programs for this purpose. There has been very good response for this partnership program offered by IBM. Many organizations and even individuals have taken up this program. The company has created a good infrastructure to facilitate this process of partnering with it. The various step by step process involved in forming a partnership with IBM are as follows.
The first thing to be carried out is to get an IBM user name and password. This id can be use by the entity who has registered across all IBM domains. The next step is to register your company with IBM; this can be done by applying for such partnership with IBM. The result of your application would be notified via email within two business days. One can also apply to sell IBM products and could also apply for the same with the company. But the latter is an optional thing that interested parties can participate in. once the company has been registered the next step is to include the company?s employees with IBM. This can be done by providing a sixteen digit alpha numeric username and password to the company?s employees