How to configuration SMB3 and encryption
We have not enforced SMB3 and encryption, but have now started a SOX review and need data copied between servers to be encrypted. Below is...
Check bitlocker status from cmd
Type manage-bde -status to check the status for all drives.
Update Compliance Log Analytics
I've been trying to find good reporting on windows feature release and security updates using intune. Setting up compliance log analytics allows you to collect...
Ad security assessment with powershell Here's a great way to review your active directory security with actionable items to follow up on
Using PowerShell to add an authentication method to an Azure user
I had a need to setup MFA for a large group of users, I have all the users cell phones and I wanted to automate...
Quick hit – intune gap analysis for conditional access
Need to check this out Tuesday at work
Quick hit – Endpoint security and intune
endpoint and intune security features- tweet Endpoint & Security, The Curse of the Were-Applocker - Call4Cloud
Blocking usb storage devices with intune
Moving from GPOs and SCCM to Intune and I've been searching for the best way to block usb storage devices but not impact the other...
Microsoft endpoint manager and windows updates
I'm working on getting our machines at work updated through Microsoft endpoint manager (intune) and reporting and slow updates have been driving me made. We...
Helpdesk support for MFA
As we prepare to rollout MFA outside of IT. I'm reviewing how the helpdesk will support the users when they need help updating a cell...