links for 2009-02-05 (tags: streaming music radio)
links for 2008-12-29
mcShoutCast, Internetradio, media center (tags: mediacenter vista mce) Browse RadioTime with Windows Media Center! (tags: mediacenter radio vista plugins mce) Push-A-Button Yougle Vista Yougle (tags:...
links for 2008-12-25
Paul Yanez Labs - Not AppleTV Media Player (tags: television streaming video) Musicovery : interactive webRadio (tags: streaming mp3 music radio)
links for 2008-10-12
JQ99 Online (tags: radio music christian)
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-13
42-20 with 9 minutes left. # at work, listening to the pats online sport radio # 14-14 tight game, pats and jags # pats up...
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-08
heading to troy today, server install and meeting # waiting for my manager so we can goto troy # i hate morning radio, i want...
First Snow
Today we got the first snow of the year. I didn't even think about all the schools that where closed today when I took my...
Track links with Memeflow; good podcasting tutorial
This memeflow is pretty sweet. It seems to be in very early beta. Memeflow Goto looks like a cool way to keep track of your...
REVIEW: Google Talk
I'll have to give this a try, I'm wondering how it compares to skype. skype is very clear when it works. But I have lots...
quickSub 0.3.5 released
Time to update some code. With the recent talk about feed subscribing, I realized that quickSub was long overdue a new release. So, at long...