Unable to Delete Old Recipient Policies in Exchange 2003
Image via CrunchBase The problem may occur when the Priority of these problematic recipient policy is set to highest. Solution: Open ADSI EDIT. Configuration(server.domain.com)/CN=Services/CN=Microsoft Exchange/CN=<Exchange...
How to tell what version of AD you have.
Image via CrunchBase There are quite a few ways to tell. Here are a few I found. The correct version of the ADPrep.exe tool for...
3rd party twitter groups
Image via CrunchBase Have you heard about twibes yet? I just saw tweets about it today. I joined a few to see what?s the deal....
links for 2009-05-07
ZYB Keeps you in sync with your friends (tags: Backup mobile sync) OCR Terminal: Free Online OCR - Convert PDF to word, jpeg to word,...
New site theme
Image by Getty Images via Daylife Just a quick little update. I decided to get into the winter feel and change the...
How to change Windows’ default image editor (and find a good freeware replacement)
Here's quick instructions on how to change the default editor and a list of free windows image editors. Description: This posting will describe how to...