Harry Potter – Done
I finished harry potter. I spend about 6 hours on the plane back from China reading. I has to be the quickest I've finished any...
Librarians recommend books for ‘Harry Potter’ fans
I little summer reading for Harry Potter fans. The American Library Association, through its Association for Library Service to Childrens division, released a recommended reading...
Will Harry Potter live or die?
JK Rowling's star wizard will die by the end of her "Harry Potter" book series, according to a slim 53% majority of 14,350 votes cast...
Dumb children and teens cause web master to be arrested
I'm glad they are doing something about the garbage on the internet. But I just find it funny, that this web master targeted dumb children...
All Consuming
Here's a Feedster like site for everyone that keeps a list of their currently reading books. Review from [Lockergnome Windows Daily] *** http://allconsuming.net/ {Blogged books}...