3 Reliable Applications for Group Conferencing
There is a wealth of options available for group conferencing, and business owners can easily become overwhelmed by the special features, cost comparisons, and technological...
links for 2009-03-05
JS-Kit: Comments, ratings, polls and surveys, Navigator, chat and more... (tags: comment comments web2.0 widgets)
Twitter Updates for 2007-08-22
Chatting with our China IT support, going over the open issues list # upgraded a server to ESX 3 and I lost my service console....
Use the new ‘secret emoticon’ and tell Microsoft where to send some money!
If you us MSN/Windows Messenger here's a way to send some money to a charity just by using IM. I'm supporting Boys & Girls Clubs...
REVIEW: Google Talk
I'll have to give this a try, I'm wondering how it compares to skype. skype is very clear when it works. But I have lots...
The Big Picture: A Chat with Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell rocks! Is Bruce Campbell the world's coolest actor? Daulton Dickey thinks so. Dickey takes a look at Campbell's new book before attempting a...
MegaPing from your blog?
Found this at Radio Free Blogistan, this could help you get more exposure for your site. As the list of sites you notify of your...