Bookmarks for September 3rd through October 6th
These are my links for September 3rd through October 6th: Dell Community - User Community for Dell Management Console - Welcome to the User Community...
Open Source Drive Imaging
Wow, I just took a quick look at the list of features and I'm stunned. depending on how difficult it is to set this up....
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-24
Been off the grid all week in LONG meetings about our new helpdesk. We are going to use the Altiris Helpdesk. I'm drained # Powered...
Free utility: MC-WOL
Very nice, this tool will be a great addition for our Altiris admin. Now we just have to make sure WOL is enabled in the...
Twitter Updates for 2007-09-14
It's Friday! # Anyone using the Altiris helpdesk module? Good,Bad? # I hate people that use read reciepts on every email, argg # 5 o'clock...
Twitter Updates for 2007-09-06
Long day, IT conf started today. Altiris training the full day # I get to speak on the first 3 topics tomorrow. # MPLS&Shared Services,Exchange,...