Where is face recognition for windows
Image via Wikipedia First off I?m a windows user so don?t say get a Mac. I saw the commercial about IPhoto and how it could...
links for 2009-03-11
60+ Useful Adobe AIR Applications You Should Know | Tools (tags: adobeair air freeware webapps)
stealthpuppy ? Blog Archive ? Deploying Adobe Reader 8.1
Here's a step by step post on deploying Adobe Reader 8.1, sweet! stealthpuppy ? Blog Archive ? Deploying Adobe Reader 8.1
Online Image Editors Compared – Comparision Chart
A not uncommon request my web team receives is to do some sort of simple image editing for a staff member. I also sometimes hear...
4 Easy Photoshop Techniques to Make Your Pictures Pop!
Because sometimes it's the simplest techniques that can make a big difference with photoshop... read more | digg story
The Orton Effect – Digital Photography Tip of the Week at PCIN.net Update
I'm going to start posting photo links and tips. I have adobe elements and want to learn to take better photos and improve the photos...
Deploying Acrobat products with Group Policy
I found this link on the SBS listServ it has information about deploying Acrobat V8 Reload Nuggets ? Blog Archive ? Deploying Acrobat products with...