Two helpful powershell scripts I used this weekend
This weekend I needed to clean up some old smtp domains from our exchange 2010 server. I found??Mike Pfeiffer's powershell script to remove smtp addresses...
how to add drivers to ESXi
I seem to keep needing to do this so I thought I?d write up a very quick post so Its easier to find next time....
VStorage API’s for Array Integration (VAAI) explained
We are going though a storage refresh and talking to many different storage vendors. Seems like some of the smaller vendors aren?t even sure what...
How to upgrade to VMware vCenter Server 4.1 using the Data Migration tool This video describes the process for using the Data Migration tool to upgrade VMware vCenter Server 4.1. VMware vCenter 4.1 is part of the...
Basic steps to upgrade to vSphere
Jason Boche posted this picture to twitter of very basic steps to upgrade to vSphere (Why does twitpic crop the picture when you embedd...
Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 4.0
Image via Wikipedia In the next 2 or 3 months I?ll move my ESX 3.5 servers and VCenter to the vSphere, this document looks like...
VMWare users check this out
Image by sunsurfr via Flickr I was reading through my rss feeds this weekend and came across a post entitled ?The best thing I?ve found...
VDI – vmare vs citrix
We ended up going with a small vmware view deployment because we already had ESX and got a better deal on view. But the project...
XenApp-Desktop or VMware View
Image via Wikipedia We are digging into the whole VDI options because of some specialty apps one of our business are deploying. We are also...
How to use the Exchange 2007 Storage Cost Caluator
wow, the MS Exchange team blog has a great post on how-to use the Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox Server Storage Cost Calculator The post lays...