Twitter Updates for 2007-12-07
fixing Trend AV issues today # hard labor today, we cleaned out our old storage area, 14 4x4x3 boxes of stuff. # Powered by Twitter...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-06
@linuxchic if they were windows servers they'd be working by now :-) # @linuxchic foot in mouth :-) Hope your night isn't too much longer...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-05
Lovin vmware, creating servers is so easy # Today is moving so slow, but getting some little things done. # Looking for a good vbs...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-03
why doesn't twitbin save my username and password? # What happens when the cisco serial number on the outside of the switch is wrong? #...
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-02
I so need to start my Christmas shopping, but I don't have any ideas. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-30
Sounds like most of the state is getting snow today, but in GH I haven't seen any # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-28
We won our soccer game tonight! Another game tommorow night # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-27
Anyone have a comparison between blue coat and websense? # user is sure he needs a driver for his new monitor! # too many overlapping...
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-22
4 enjoyable days off! # watching 'the office' on # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-19
@wingnut79 Genesee Valley's still open? Wow, last time I was there it seemed like half the stores where empty, that was about 3 years ago....