Microsoft ATP documentation
We've deployed ATP to our windows workstation, now I'm researching it for our MACs and IOS devices. I pushed it out to a test iphone...
How to move a certification authority to another server
We have to upgrade the OS for our cert servers. Grabbing documents I'm finding and dropping them here. How to move a certification authority to...
Least privileged roles by task in Azure Active Directory
As we continue to improve our process and work through least privileged roles. I find this Microsoft doc to be very helpful when trying to...
How to configuration SMB3 and encryption
We have not enforced SMB3 and encryption, but have now started a SOX review and need data copied between servers to be encrypted. Below is...
Windows and SQL editions comparison
Capturing data on the limits of both windows server and SQL based on the edition for quick reference. Comparison of Standard and Datacenter editions Windows...
Check bitlocker status from cmd
Type manage-bde -status to check the status for all drives.
Enable passwordless security key sign-in to on-premises resources by using Azure AD
As we transition to Azure AD computers and leave domain joined PCs behind. Most of our data and applications are still on prem and part...
windows update for business and intune
We are having issues with machines not patching even with the Intune policies set. I'm documenting different post I've found to help troubleshoot this issue....
Enabled the Lock Screen for inactive users
Quick link from Twitter, don’t want to lose the link
Update Compliance Log Analytics
I've been trying to find good reporting on windows feature release and security updates using intune. Setting up compliance log analytics allows you to collect...