Wyse Thin client link list
The last week at work has been crazy. A number of people out sick or on vacation. So I had to jump into our thin client management tool to reconfigure a number of remote units.
We had a number of D50d units that were not reporting back to wyse device manager. I knew that it was a DHCP option to give the thin client what the IP of the WDM. But I don’t know the number.
found it. http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/enterprise-client/wyse_software/f/4962/t/19634525/
DHCP Options
161 – rapport ftp server
186 – rapport Web Server
Next up was finding an update firmware for our linux based thin clients. In our case D50D. Dell aquired wyse a long time ago, but they haven’t fully integrated wyse into their website. So to find the updated firmware you have to go to https://appservices.wyse.com/pages/serviceandsupport/support/downloads.asp
If you need to create the ini files for the thin client configurations, check out the tools at http://www.technicalhelp.de but don’t use the wizard, make sure you uncheck that box.
I was trying to get the VNC server configured on the units so I could test them remotely. I found the reference guide for SUSE linux, you can find that at https://appservices.wyse.com/supportdownload/5series/Wyse%20Enhanced%20SLE%20INI%20Ref%20Guide%20RevE.pdf
The key paramaters are
VNCAuthTypes=string {none, vnc} Specifies whether to enable the Require the user to enter this password check box in the Remote Desktop Preferences (VNC) applet.
VNCPasswd=string {password must be base-64 encoded} If the VNC-Server Add-on is installed, the password to be entered for the remote VNC connection. If no VNCPasswd is specified, the default password is password. You can use any third party base-64 encoder/decoder.
VNCPrompt={yes, no} Yes/no option to enable a VNC shadowing prompt to a user (VNCPrompt set to yes means the user will always be prompted before shadowing starts and the user will then decline or accept VNC shadowing; VNCPrompt set to no means the user will not be able to decline or accept shadowing).
To create the base-64 password you can use the ini tool from http://www.technicalhelp.de