Bookmarks for March 25th through April 18th
These are my links for March 25th through April 18th:
- ShowMyPC: Remote Support, Desktop Sharing, Access Remote PC Free, Web Conferencing –
- Find out where and why an Account Lockout happened – Shariq Sheikh | Port 389 – Where Account Lockouts save us from brute force password attacks and help us standardize our environment for password policies, sometimes it can be painful to troubleshoot and find out why and where it happened. Microsoft does provide us with the ‘Account Lockout Management Tools’ suite which can be very handy to diagnose the root cause of an account lockout.
- CTX124565 – Customizing Microsoft Office 2010 for Streaming Environments Best Practices – Citrix Knowledge Center – This article describes how to install Office 2010 applications in an application streaming profile.
- Week3 – Collaboration Technology Interest Group : Welcome – a website dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge about collaboration technologies – specifically Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) platforms. The focus of this site is business processes and improving collaboration techniques without the use of programming code. Our goal is to create a community of business professionals who are technology champions, implementers, and users who want to learn about collaboration technologies. Technical-types are welcome but remember that Week3 is focused on how to make business more productive and collaboration easier. ROI? Yes! Code? No.
- Jie Li’s GeekWorld : FAQ: SharePoint 2010 Remote BLOB Storage (RBS) – Recently on SharePointPro Connections I got a lot of questions for SharePoint RBS. To help people to get clear on this topic here’s a FAQ… For installation and other documentations please refer to my pervious blog post on this topic: SharePoint 2010 Beta with FILESTREAM RBS Provider. Todd Klindt also has a very nice step by step guide: Installing Remote Blob Store (RBS) on SharePoint 2010.