VDI – vmare vs citrix
We ended up going with a small vmware view deployment because we already had ESX and got a better deal on view. But the project was rushed and its not installed or configured optimally (not the project leads fault)
We are not using shared clones and not redirecting profiles or user data.
I?ve been reading comparisons of xendesktop vs view and really wish we would have gone with xendesktop. We have Citrix PS 4. Oh well.
I found this video comparing streaming video and PowerPoint in both products. I?m just wondering how well this would look on a non-HDX xendesktop
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Full Disclosure: I am a Citrix employee for desktop virtualization group.
Every XenDesktop product edition comes with full power of HDX.
Please send me an email if you have any questions.
Thank you for your comment. My understanding is that the client needs the newer client and has certain requirements. We have a lot of old thin clients that I don’t think would support HDX or the new citrix client.
Citrix oght to offer to do you a deal on XenDesktop to leave the darkside :-p
btw, what was the XenDesktop backend, ESX or XenServer? If XS, what version, also was the XenDesktop the updated version released in May? (i am presuming so since you mention HDX)
I use VMware ES free edition on my servers and it works very good. I haven’t tested it on video, but appliacions work very fast
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