VbsToExe a free way to convert vbs to exe
VbsToExe is a command line application that converts VBScript files into executables.
The created program executes the VBScript-code from memory using Ms-ScriptControl.
It hides the content of the VBScript-file and optionally protects them with a password.
VbsToExe [ -c | -e ] { -p "password" } [ VBScript | Script-Exe ]
-c – [convert the VBScript file into an executable]
-e – [extract the source]
-h – [print help]
-p – [protect the program with a password]
-v – [print version]
More information http://www.f2ko.de/English/v2e/index.php
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This is really useful to me. Thanks so much for sharing it.
I would like to believe this is a wonderful tool that I am looking for…. but, where is the link for download???……
Anyblody any idea?
LOL! The resulted program may not work correct. Some VBScript functions are not available.
Why do I need spent my time for unfinished work/beta version? Here is a well-tested VBS to EXE compiler http://www.abyssmedia.com/scriptcryptor/
Here is the link – http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/Vbs-To-Exe.shtml and it works great.
I needed vbs for outlook to be included in my python application. Didn’t want .vbs floating around for anyone to mess around. This app converted vbs to exe fine.
It is free and works, why spend more than 50 quid for something that basic?