Open Source Drive Imaging
Wow, I just took a quick look at the list of features and I’m stunned. depending on how difficult it is to set this up. I maybe getting this going at work this week. We use altiris for desktop management. But we don’t use it for the servers, this could be a great way to image our servers.
I was just searching for a way to clone my laptop just in case disaster strikes. I found a cool tool called Clonezilla. It?s free, open source and very easy to use. You can burn a ?live cd? or even copy the tool to a USB memory stick and just boot from it.
It supports a whole bunch of file systems: ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs of GNU/Linux, and FAT, NTFS of MS Windows! Check it out.
Cool tool
Duncan Epping
Sat, 12 Jul 2008 18:53:11 GMT
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