Free Tools That Should Be In Every VMware Administrator’s Toolkit
I’ve only used items 1 and 2, looks like I have some tools to download. First I have to finish upgrading the other 3 esx servers to 3.5
3rd party tools are a great way to make up for missing functionality in the vendor supplied management software. Administrators, developers and vendors are usually quick to write their own scripts, add-on’s and applications to help automate tedious or difficult administration tasks that often exist. This list covers 10 of the many free tools that are available that every VI3 administrator should have to help make their job easier. Many of these tools are provided by independent users who freely contribute their own time and skills to benefit the whole VMware community. This is by no means a complete list of the great tools and scripts that are available for use, there are many others and it was difficult to only choose 10. So if you have not used some of the ones on this list I encourage you to download them and check them out.
1. Putty and SSH Plug In /
SSH clients for remotely connecting to the ESX service console. Putty runs as a standalone application and the SSH Plug-in is a VI client plug-in that integrates an SSH console directly into the client.
Virtual Strategy Magazine – Top 10 Free Tools That Should Be In Every VMware Administrator’s Toolkit
yes i also believe a VM administrator should have a kit like this! i’m not a administrator but my friend is and she should really have a kit like this, it would really help her in her work. I’ll send her this article so she can read it too.