How to convert a MKV file to PS3 & Xbox 360 compatible format without quality loss
The software is called GOTsent and their website is
Everyone who wants to use their Next-Gen console as a media center in addition to playing games received an early Christmas gift last month when DivX support was added to both the PlayStation 3 and the XBOX360.
Unfortunately for those who use the Matroska file format (.MKV) support for this format was not included.
Until support for this popular format is added there is however a quick and relatively easy solution to this problem that does not require any transcoding of the video stream which is time-consuming and results in degradation in the quality of the picture.
This process just extracts the audio and video into two different files onto the HDD. The audio is then transcoded and repackaged together with the untouched video stream into a file that is playable on the console (MP4). This process only takes minutes on a regular computer (compared to hours when transcoding of the video stream as well).
This file can now be streamed to the console, burned onto a disc or placed on an external USB device.
How to convert a MKV file to PS3 & Xbox 360 compatible format without quality loss
Fri, 11 Jan 2008 00:42:02 GMT
I love it when anonymous people leaving interesting and useful post on my site. 🙂
i’ve tried out GOTsent and i must say it works really well, apart from the problem that the output-file is just 45 minutes long (and the input file about 90 minutes).
sooooo… it just cuts off during the process…
Just what I was looking for 🙂 Whenever I converted there was a huge quality loss which was really annoying and disturbing. Thanks for the tip. Cheers
what is matroska file format for?
Another MKV guide for your information.
MKV Format and Tips of Playing MKV Files on Mac
Oh this is great, whenever I try and do it, it is appaling quality.
Converting the file and trying to get it to play on the 360 has been a fun challenge, but I think my rootmate