Ho Hum

I either need to blog more or give it up. It seem like I think of a lot of things to blog about when I’m away from the computer, but I never remember or care once I have the time to post. There are tons of post from my rss reader I planned on posted to the site. Instead I just mark the items for follow up and never look at them again.

Part of that problem is my rss reader. I tried to switch to rss bandit, but I’m still running into too many issues and I’m still too used to sharp reader. With the couple hundred feeds I try to read, I just can’t keep up. I SO need to start deleting feeds!!!

Quick issues:

Comcast giving 60 day notice to ALL TechTV employees!
MT releases V3, but starts charging way too much for the product (the free version only allows 1 auther and 3 blogs)
I’m not even going to start on the war.

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