Day 1 – EMC tech conf
The first session was a hands-on of the web interface V 5.2 for the NAS. It looks quite different an the version we are running on our NS600, but it doesn’t add much functionality. Just moved around the commands and added some wizards.
The second session was for document mangement. Something I think we can use at work. Between our office documents and CAD files, I know we are looking at differnet solutions. Documentum gave a good presentation, but they don’t work with progress databases.
After lunch I set though a legato prestation about disk 2 disk 2 tape backups. We use Veritas right now for our backups. I don’t see us moving to legato, but it gave me lots of good information. We can get a tray of ATA drives for the NS600 and backup all the servers to them and then we can backup from the ATA drives to tape. We are already going over our backup window some days. Plus I want to look at something like Double-take from NSI. It will be byte level replication. So we can replicate our remote locations back to GH to the ATA drives and them backup from the ATA drives. Then I can pull all the remote tape devices out of the remote locations.
The last session of the day was about ISCI. Very interesting. I don’t think we’d use it right off the bat, but I want to make sure any fiber switch we put in can be used as a gateway between a fiber and ISCI network.
more to come……