Saturday yard work

Well we finally got some really nice weather so Melissa and I spent about 6 hours in the yard Saturday raking and pulling up weeds. I was able to finish seeding the backyard. Now I’m just waiting for the rain. I guess I could turn on the sprinkler system but I’m a little nervous that we may still get one more really good cold freeze and I don’t want my sprinkler pipes freezing.

Two of the projects for this spring are gutters and a patio for the backyard. We are looking at the gutters with ‘helmets’ on them because we don’t want to have to clean out the gutters. Even though we don’t have many trees, we don’t want to deal with it. But man do these ‘helmet’ products cost a lot more than standard gutters!!! If anyone has an experience with them let me know, especial if it was in the western Michigan area.

We found someone that does pressed and color concrete for the patio, but he doesn’t seem to want to work with us now that he’s seen the size of the job. Oh well.

We got a outside leash for Dexter so we has able to spend the whole day outside with us. He enjoyed the warm weather and was a very good dog. I still need to get around to posting the pictures of Dexter I have from the super bowl party.

One thought on “Saturday yard work

  1. NO! It’s never a good idea to turn it on when it’s extremely cold. It’s good to wait for the cold rush to pass and then you can do whatever you like to your yard. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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