You always need one when you don’t have one

Ripped from the headlines of Lockergnome Windows Daily

Ultimate Boot CD v1.0 [6.0M] Windows FREE

{All-you-can-want boot CD} I’m a bad girl. I don’t have a special
boot CD or diskette around here. There are too many options, and I
never know what I need in a boot disk. This one sounds like the
solution for a person in my situation because it fits as many
diagnostic tools as possible onto the CD. It comes with a memory
diagnostic tool and a few hard drive utilities. Those who DO have
bootable floppies can dump them all for one nice CD package. All
you do is boot up with the CD and it goes right to the menu,
waiting for you to select the tool to use. Note: The Web site does
not list specific OS compatibility information, although the
program was tested successfully on Windows XP. [Meryl] [Lockergnome Windows Daily]

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